Saturday, April 5, 2008

Representatives Meeting

Until now, all the grades have been acting independently with many different plans. It's time we all grouped together, came up with a quick and effective plan, and enact it as the _whole magnet_ instead of individual grades.

There will be a representatives meeting Saturday April 12th in the afternoon. Please nominate two people from your grade to be represent your grade. Email me ( nominee's Name and Email. They will be emailed about the specific time and place Sunday afternoon.

We only have ONE SHOT at this- let's hit them hard!


Элизабет said...

:o We should so sent Jacob. He would probably be really good at this sort of thing.

n.t. said...

Do we leave our email, or the would-be rep's email? Confused.

Diana said...

Good idea, but depending on how many people read your blog, etc. there are many ways it could end up not working.